Example collection

Hier findest du eine Samlung von Beispielen anderer Anwender:innen. Wenn du auch ein tolles Beispiel hast, das du gerne hier aufgelistet hättest, lass es uns bitte wissen!

Calculating with Twig

Do you know this? A simple order form, without a large webshop implementation, but you would still like to have the VAT and the total shown in the e-mail? No problem at all with the Notification Center Pro, we can create our own tokens for the VAT and the total and then use them. Let’s assume we have a form field called number_of_brochures where the customer can brochures. Each brochure costs 4 Euros. If someone now orders 5 brochures, we would like to send a mail with 20 Euro plus 3.80 Euro VAT (19% for Germany in this example) and a total amount of 23.80 Euro.

For example, we write the following in our mail:

Hello ##form_firstname##,

You have ordered ##form_number_of_brochures## brochures from us. Here is your invoice:

##form_number_of_brochures## brochures at € 4,- each: ##subtotal##
Value added tax 19%: ##tax##
Total amount: ##total##

So könnte unsere Twig-Logik könnte dann wie folgt aussehen:

{% if rawTokens.has('form_anzahl_prospekte') %}
    {% set subtotal = rawTokens.byName('form_number_of_brochures').value * 4 %}
    {% set tax = subtotal * 19 / 100 %}
    {% set total = subtotal + tax %}
{% endif %}

We now copy this logic into 3 tokens and output the desired variable in each case:

  1. token subtotal uses the above logic and {{ subtotal }}
  2. token tax uses the above logic and {{ tax }}
  3. token total uses the above logic and {{ total }}

Tada! 🎉

Use the Twig number_format filter to format the numbers to your liking!