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terminal42 Extension Store

Google Analytics events for Isotope eCommerce

Automatically add ecommerce tracking events to Google Tag Manager (gtag.js) on your Isotope eCommerce website.

€ 25.00
excl. VAT
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Package summary

Latest version
php: ^8.1
contao/core-bundle: ^4.13
isotope/isotope-core: ^2.9.1
symfony/config: ^5.4
symfony/dependency-injection: ^5.4
symfony/http-foundation: ^5.4
symfony/http-kernel: ^5.4
twig/twig: ^3.0

Package details

This extensions automatically adds the following Google Analytics eCommerce events to your website:

  • view_item when added to the product reader template
  • add_to_cart automatically when product is added to cart
  • add_to_wishlist automatically when product is added to wishlist
  • view_cart when added to the iso_collection_* template
  • remove_from_cart automatically when product is removed from cart
  • begin_checkout automatically on first checkout step (address)
  • add_shipping_info automatically after shipping is completed (on payment step)
  • add_payment_info automatically when payment is completed (on review step)
  • purchase automatically when order is placed successfully

Be aware that the extension only adds the necessary window.dataLayer.push(...) code to the website, you are still responsible for adding the gtag.js script!